"Formula Medicine also has a Medical department, where a multi-specialist team and a network of consultants can organize targeted visits and medical examinations extremely quickly."

"Formula Medicine also has a Medical department, where a multi-specialist team and a network of consultants can organize targeted visits and medical examinations extremely quickly."

A solution for every problem

A solution for every problem

Medical check-ups

The frenetic pace of everyday life often prevents us from dedicating the time necessary to take care of our health. To meet these needs, Formula Medicine offers complete medical check-ups eliminating waiting times.

Prevention is the most effective weapon

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Rapid recovery from injury, or from any pathological situation that limits physical efficiency, is a very important problem in sport. The Formula Medicine staff, used to working with high-level athletes, has developed proven methodologies over the years for a fast and effective recovery.

For a shorter pit stop


Food affects both our health and psychophysical efficiency for better or for worse. Knowing the quality and quantity of the ‘fuel’ that we introduce into our body every day allows us to improve the quality of life.

Checking the fuel