"Food affects both our health and psychophysical efficiency for better or for worse. Knowing the quality and quantity of the ‘fuel’ that we introduce into our body every day allows us to improve the quality of life."

"Food affects both our health and psychophysical efficiency for better or for worse. Knowing the quality and quantity of the ‘fuel’ that we introduce into our body every day allows us to improve the quality of life."

Checking the fuel

Checking the fuel

Formula Medicine specialists, accustomed to working with high-level athletes, are able to prepare extremely personalized nutrition programs tailored to the client’s specific needs.

Formula Medicine also makes use of modern investigative methods, including the objective analysis of food intolerances through the search for specific blood antibodies, and intestinal microbiome profiling, in other words the microorganisms that influence digestion and absorption of nutrients.

A further examination of fundamental importance is the study of blood sugar levels. An arm patch and a dedicated App allow the specialist to monitor glucose levels for 14 consecutive days, investigating the responses to various foods and then designing a dietary plan that avoids harmful blood sugar peaks.